Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Thoughts From the Couch

Today’s blog is brought to you by sudden inspiration and short term ambition. A writer friend of mine was taking me through Google Docs and showing me how to use it. I didn’t know how to use it because I was born in the time of the dinosaurs and I am easily frightened by technology; I will scamper back into the forest at the mere thought of having to Tumble a Tweet on my YouTube app. However, Google Docs is easy enough for even me to use it, so I have decided to crawl out of my Girl-cave and write today. Of course, this is always with the firmest of intentions to write again in the near future. I have no idea if this sudden drive to write will blossom into writing full time again, or if it'll be a one-off like I seem to do lately. Either way, I will be just as surprised as you are when this is done, because I honestly started writing this with no direction in mind.

I have spent today wrapping presents, since I only have fifteen more days until Christmas and I still have to make four more gifts and buy one more. I’m pretty happy with our decision to make gifts this year. We are, of course, still buying toys for the kids, because honestly it’s just easier, but for the adults in our lives, we are making something that I think is really nice.  I can’t share what that is on here because my mom reads my blog, and that would spoil the surprise. (Hi Mom). But making these gifts requires power tools and that means I have to wait for Richy because I have no intention on sawing my hand off, and that's exactly what would happen.

I bought Richy’s gifts because I suck at crafts and I want to spoil him. He really deserves it. He works so hard everyday and treats me like I’m a princess, so I want him to know how wonderful I think he is and how much I appreciate him. I’m not sure I’ve shown him the proper appreciation though. I only recently had doubts about this since my sister in law bought my brother’s gift.  She presented him with a heated toilet seat. My brother mentioned one day that he’d know he’d really made it in life when he could afford heated toilet seats. Of course one had to be found, and my sister in law absolutely delivered. She got excited and gave it to him the other day instead of at Christmas and he posted it on Facebook. There it sits, an electronic, back-lit, heated toilet seat. She bought my brother a throne. I wonder if this is something I should get Richy. Like, do all men want a heated toilet seat? Can you imagine how long they’d be in there if they are warm and comfortable? I wonder if we’d ever see them again? I think for my man, I’ll just stick to the more traditional gifts, like underwear, a bad tie, and fruitcake.  

Well, our halls are decked, our TV fire is crackling behind the screen and the stockings are hung by the bookcase with care. Our tree is cheerful and we are cozy and comfortable. Please try to remember not everyone has these basic creature comforts, and just be a little kinder to one another. I hope you all have a happy holiday, no matter what you are celebrating this time of year.

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