Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Thank you BlogHer, you have given me confidence

So, I know I am jumping the gun a day early, but here is a shout-out to BlogHer's October 2013 NaBloPoMo.  I did not trust myself to add the pretty picture and link to my blog because if it was a dismal failure I didn't want it to reflect badly on them.  Also, I just figured out how to upload a picture to my entry.  I just want to say thank you to the people who kept me writing and the people who read and seemed genuinely entertained by the stuff that fell out of my brain.  That's kind of the coolest thing ever for someone who really wants to call herself a writer, but doesn't have the guts to do it yet.  I have signed on to participate in November's NaBloPoMo knowing that I am also planning on fulfilling my personal goal of 50,000 words by the end of November.  Wish me luck.  And thank you so very much to the people who took time to read my blog.  It's kind of cool to look at the page view count when I post.  A bit of a thrill really.  You all have encouraged me for better or worse.  I owe it all to you.  Thank you!

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